We take care of your
emergencies, crises
and calamities

When the vitality or mobility of your customers is at stake, it is usually a personal, urgent situation. 

SOS International, as part of CED Group, takes emergency assistance out of your hands: Medical Assistance, Roadside Assistance, and other emergency services. 

Our dedicated and empathic incident response staff acts quickly and appropriately, 24/7, tech-enabled, and in all circumstances. As core partner of the International Assistance Group, we can count on more than 25,000 assistance partners worldwide. Additionally, our organisation can immediately scale up to assist you in crises or calamities. 

This is how we take concerns out of the hands of you and your customers, at times when it matters.

medically insured
0 M
mobility insured
0 M
aid requests a year
0 K

Immediate, appropriate help in unforeseen situations​​

The warm, beating heart of SOS International is in its emergency centre in the Netherlands.  This is where our dedicated staff is available 24/7 to help your customer as appropriate in unforeseen circumstances. The Roadside Assistance team ensures that victims of vehicle breakdowns or accidents can continue their journey as soon as possible. The experienced staff of the Medical Assistance team arranges the best possible medical care if your customer falls ill abroad or gets into an accident. And also in urgent situations closer to home (for example, a leakage or a broken key of a front door), our staff is immediately ready to ensure the best solution.

Do you want to know how we can help your customers
with our Emergency Assistance?

The unique competencies of
SOS International

Our incident

Medical Assistance
Roadside Assistance

Our incidence

Helpful and empathic

Our organisation

Available 24/7
Agile upscaling, urgent acting
Good insight in complex

Support and project management in times of crisis or calamity

With extensive experience and unique competencies built up within the emergency centre, SOS International also offers support in times of crisis or calamity.

For both governments and organisations. This Business Process Outsourcing organisation (BPO) is versatile and can quickly and efficiently construct a crisis organisation, including agile up- and downscaling, coordination, project management, and incident responding.

Recent projects have been a medical crisis organisation during the Covid pandemic and transport support during the refugee crisis.

Want to know what our Business Process Outsourcing
can mean for you?