Our dedication is your ambitions on Environment, Social and Governance
CED Group supports the ambitions of our clients regarding environment, social and governance. As a European industry leader, we are responsible for going the extra mile and setting a positive example within the sector. Using the ESG targets of the European Union as guidance, we develop our organisation and services. So that you can realise your ambitions.
True success involves sustainability, inclusivity, and accountability
ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance, and it is used to assess the sustainability and ethical impact of an investment in a company. CED protects and preserves what matters to you. Therefore, we uphold the ESG principles that define our culture and strategy and align with our Declaration of Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility. These principles reflect our commitment to the well-being of our clients, employees, shareholders, and society. Through ESG activities, we seek to make a positive difference in the world, creating a future for ourselves and future generations where prosperity and well-being go hand in hand.
Our initiatives to serve
CED Group has been for a considerable time, an active forerunner in committing to corporate social responsibility and to take actions to become a more sustainable company. Information and cyber security are assured with our ISO27001 and ISAE3402 certifications. Our staff receive annual GDPR training courses, and periodical audits are used to keep the organisation aware and alert. We actively promote sustainability practices. For example we advocate for repair over replacement wherever feasible, aligning with our efforts to reduce waste and environmental impact. Sustainable energy is used for our offices where possible, and we separate waste. Our carbon footprint is reduced by decreasing the vehicle fleet and converting to electric vehicles. In a safe work environment, employees are encouraged to develop themselves with a wide range of training and development courses. Their well-being is monitored by Employee Satisfaction Surveys. We also give back to society, for example, by contributing to initiatives that provide better perspectives for young people.
Our green products and
We already aim to reduce and minimise the environmental impact by making our products and services more sustainable. Technological innovations allow remote expertise to be applied more regularly. This saves mileage and reduces our CO2 emissions. In damage repair, we offer more sustainable solutions such as ‘Repair over Replacement’, Smart Repair for Mobility (repairing with second-hand parts), and sustainable repairs for Property. That is repairing damaged parts rather than replacing them, and recycling materials.
Next steps and priorities
CED Group published her first CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) report in 2023. Following that, the ESG themes were reviewed. We identified the key ESG themes that have the most impact and are the most relevant for CED Group and committed ourselves to the following six.
The unique competencies of
SOS International

Carbon footprint

Employee well-being
Customer impact

Data protection & security
Integration ESG strategy
We uphold our ESG principles in everything we do, but pragmatically. So, we defined the first priorities. For example, the next step is to accurately map our carbon footprint and implement carbon impact invoicing: our loss adjusters can assess the CO2 emissions associated with the proposed damage repair. Additionally, a framework of ambitions and assessment points has been established for CED Group. In the coming 3 to 5 years, the CED teams in the 14 Group-countries will develop this further within their national legislation and possibilities. And third: based on the formulated criteria, CED Group will report the results annually and accountable, by entering the national sustainability rankings (using e.g. MVO-register and Ecovadis).
Our dedication is to support your ambition
Through ESG activities, CED aims to contribute positively to the world, building a future where ethical leadership and prosperity go hand in hand, and where well-being is paramount. We are dedicated to help our customers and our stakeholders to achieve their social responsibility objectives and contribute to a more sustainable society.