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Providing expert services and tech enabled services in 4 European nations with offices in 10 additional countries to facilitate our cross-border claims operations, as well as competency and support hubs.
Our Cross Border Claims Offices

CED Austria GmbH
Schadenregulierungsgesellschaft m.b.H.
Mariahilfer Strasse 136
A-1150 Vienna
T +43 1 533 66 11 323
F +43 1 533 66 11 320
Contact: Mr. Christian Novak

CED Greece m.b.H.
1 Lavriou Avenue & Asklipiou
GR-153 51 Athens
T +30 210 747 30 50
F +30 210-747 43 22
Contact: Mrs. Alkistis Gamaletsou

CED Claims Management BVBA
Medialaan 32
B-1800 Vilvoorde
T +32 2 627 01 80
F +32 2 627 01 87
Contact: Mrs. Sofie Van Dyck

CED Italy S.r.l.
Viale del Commercio 56
I-37135 Verona VR
T +39 045 969 86 00
F +39 045 969 86 01
Contact: Mrs. Daniela Gambadori

CED France S.a.r.l.
2 rue Jacques Daguerre
Immeuble Ariane
92500 Rueil Malmaison
T +33 1 55 47 12 80
F +33 1 55 47 12 89
Contact: Mr. Robert de Waard

CED Claims Management Luxembourg
20 Rue de l’industrie
L-8399 Windhof
T +352 26 39 40 20
F +352 26 39 40 19
Contact: Mrs. Sofie Van Dyck

CED Germany GmbH
Kanzlerstrasse 4
D-40472 Düsseldorf
T +49 211 210 978 10
F +49 211 210 978 99
Contact: Mr. Tobias Klingelhöfer

CED-CBC Holding B.V.
Rietbaan 40-42
NL-2908LP Capelle aan den IJssel
The Netherlands
T +31 10 284 34 34
F +31 10 284 34 51
Contact: Mrs. Marleen Grasso

CED Poland Sp. z o.o.
Sky Office Building
ul. Wincentego Rzymowskiego 31
PL – 02-697 Warsaw
T +48 22 375 91 35
Contact: Mrs. Paulina Fulneczek

CED Portugal, Unipessoal, Lda.
Rua Lagares D’El Rei, nº 19D – R/C Esquerdo
PT-1700-268 Lisboa
T +351 21 848 0073
F +351 21 848 7148
Contact: Mrs. Susana Bentes

CED Claims Spain, S.A.U..
Av. Alcalde Barnils 64-68, mód.A, 2ª pl.
E-08174 Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona)
T +34 93 551 81 00
F +34 93 551 81 11
Contact: Mrs. María Severo Soler

CED claim experts Ltd.
1st Floor, The Tower
Deva City Office Park
Trinity Way
Salford M3 7BF
United Kingdom
T +44 161 817 5160
F +44 161 817 5169
Contact: Mr. Ian Bearpark
Our competency and support hubs

CED Tunisia
49 Rue de l’énergie solaire
2035 Tunis

CED Bulgaria
Floor 1, Building C, European Trade Center {b}
115L, Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd., 1784 Sofia